Bilateral collaboration for climate neutral and smart cities

Innovation Norway, Europski strukturni i investicijski fondovi, operativni program konkurentnost i kohezija, Europska Unija zajedno do EU fondova

About the project

Project title: „Bilateral collaboration for climate neutral and smart cities“
Fund operator: Innovation Norway
Project promotor: Geometricus d.o.o.
Project partner: Smart Innovation Norway AS
Case number: 2024/393655

Total value of the project: 62.417,00 EUR
Grant: 53.054,00 EUR
Total value of the project: 62.417,00 EUR
Grant: 53.054,00 EUR

Project summary:

The aim of the project is to establish the cooperation between Croatian company Geometricus d.o.o., and the Norwegian company Smart Innovation Norway in the business sector of developing sustainable and smart cities solutions. SIN has an extended network of partners in the areas of energy transition, smart city solutions and climate actions in Norway and can facilitate the match- making between them and Geometricus and develop new innovative projects together.

The project has 5 activities:
1. Feasibility study
2. Study trip
3. Business case design
4. Project management
5. Publicity and visibility

Overall expected results are opened new market in Norway, and established a long-term cooperation with Norwegian companies.

Supported by a grant from Norway through Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, in the frame of the Programme “Business Development and Innovation Croatia”.

Innovation Norway, Europski strukturni i investicijski fondovi, operativni program konkurentnost i kohezija, Europska Unija zajedno do EU fondova